Bioethics and Law
Philosophical foundations; norms and normativity in bioethics; bioethics and human rights; health law; legal implications of new biological technologies, mind and behavior control, genetic engineering, birth and death control, and organ transplantation.
Medical Ethics
Methods for ethical evaluation; rationing in healthcare systems - ethical implications in the management of limited resources; ethical dilemmas in medical practice; neuroethics; pharmaceutical ethics; ethical aspects in assisted human reproduction; ethical aspects with regard to the use of predictive genetic tests; ethics of organ transplantation; end of life issues; informed consent; confidentiality; the ethics of public health, etc.
Ethical aspects in research and biomedical technology
Ethical principles of research; cloning and genetic engineering; nanobiotechnology; the research on stem cells and their usage; animal testing for medical devices; databases in the health system and biobanks; human experimentation and the protection of persons; the risk of falsification of experiment results; vulnerable subjects for human experiments; the involvement of children in clinical studies; dilemmas in the ethics of research.
Bioethics education
The role of bioethics education; youth and bioethics education; the accessibility to bioethical education for all; methods and tools specific to bioethical education; teaching methodology; study resources; status of the programs.
Bioethics committees
Establishing bioethics committees; roles, professions and responsibilities; different types of bioethics committees; procedures and operations; status and legal measures.